
Nature directly from stock

Our variety of raw materials is like a journey around the world. After all, we are Europe's herb and spice distributor with the widest assortment. We keep 1,600 dried, herbal raw materials in stock for you and distribute them in Germany, Europe and all over the world.
Nature directly from stock

Neu im Sortiment

10. Juli 2024

Neu im Sortiment: Pfeffer schwarz Kilindi BIO

Sehr geehrte Kunden, von Zeit zu Zeit nehmen wir besondere Raritäten in unser Sortiment auf. So auch die neue Pfeffersorte: Pfeffer schwarz Kilindi BIO ganz. Der Kilindi Pfeffer wird in einer Kleinbauern-Kooperation in der Provinz Kilindi auf der Insel Sansibar angebaut. Kilindi Pfeffer besitzt einen runden und vollen Pfeffergeschmack mit kräftig-erdigem Pfefferaroma und mittlerer Schärfe.
Pfeffersorten entdecken

BioOst 2024

2. Mai 2024

BioOst 2024 Fazit

Danke an alle, die uns auf der BioOst in Leipzig besucht haben! Wir haben uns besonders über die tollen Gespräche und Ihr großes Interesse an Herbase Kräutervielfalt gefreut. Sie haben an unserem Stand ein Glas Tee genossen und möchten Herbase vertreiben, dann melden Sie sich unter +49 5327 8681-8666 bei uns. Bis zum nächsten Mal! Euer Herbase-Team Christopher, Marion und Sabine
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BioOst 2024

21. April 2024

BioOst 2024 in Leipzig

Herbase ist unsere neue Marke für Balance und Well-Being. Basis sind ausschließlich pflanzliche Rohstoffe, wie sie die Natur bereithält. Und die Natur liegt uns von Herbase sowieso ganz besonders am Herzen. Kein Wunder also, dass wir nicht nur bei unseren Produkten auf Nachhaltigkeit achten, sondern auch bei deren Verpackung. Wir freuen uns, Sie auf der BioOst in Leipzig am 21. April 2024 in Halle 5, Stand F21 begrüßen und Ihnen die Herbase Kräutervielfalt vorstellen zu dürfen.
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Biofach 2024

25th of january 2024

Welcome to the Biofach 2024

We look forward to welcoming you again this year at Biofach in Nuremberg from 13 - 16.02.2024 in Hall 7, Stand 7-321. As in the previous year, the optimized stand design will offer plenty of space and peace and quiet for intensive discussions and information exchange. Experience an excerpt from our unique range of around 1.000 herbs, spices and plant-based raw materials. We will also explain the practical benefits of our retailer webshop.
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3rd of November

Christmas / Order Deadline 2023

Dear customers, We want to thank you very much for the great cooperation during this year! Please note our closing date this year: Tuesday, 19.12.2023, 12:00 p.m. Our last shipping day is: 20.12.2023. We will ship as many orders as possible before Christmas. However, there may be delays from parcel carriers and freight forwarders at this time of the year. Otherwise, shipping will take place after our company vacations (21.12.2023 to 02.01.2024). From Wednesday, 03.01.2024 we will be available for you again. Until then, we wish you and your families a happy Christmas and a good start into the new year 2024! Your Galke Team
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Werde Teil des Teams!

Als wachsendes Unternehmen in einer wachsenden Branche, bei der die Natur im Zentrum steht, freuen wir uns grundsätzlich auf Initiativbewerbungen. Aktuell möchten wir besonders gerne diese Positionen besetzen: Kaufmännische Angestellte (m/w/d) und Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d).
Karriere beginnen




At Galke we prefer to obtain whole goods from every part of the world, so ...
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Metal detectors identify and separate even the smallest metal particles, and ...
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Like cutting, milling is also one of our everyday production processes. So it’s no surprise that ...
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Large drums mix our products slowly and carefully. Slow revolution speeds demand much ...
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If pest control should be an issue, we can deal with it. Our disinfestation equipment can hold up to ...
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Steam treatment

As far as microbacterial contamination is concerned, we ...
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Although we mainly store and resell bulk goods in our area of 24,366 m², we ...
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Foreword - so that enthusiasm can (re-)grow. The love for the region, the passion for nature and the willingness to give everything for it: Perhaps our attitude to what we do every day can best be summed up like this.
While the whole world is talking about sustainability, here in Gittelde we look at each other in amazement: These seemingly so new maxims have always been our orientation. Only talked about it we have more less. We prefer to do. Certainly, this is also due to the fact that our raw materials would hardly be imaginable without an intact nature. Wherever they are gathered and harvested, space and time are needed to enable new growth. Live and let live.
Only those who have understood this and act accordingly ensure renewable enthusiasm and make it possible for future generations to earn a living and an income.

Greetings from Gittelde
Your Hartmut Galke and Team
Galke - inherently better. At Galke, we trade in dried herbs, spices and herbal raw materials worldwide. We process and refine these and offer our customers the corresponding services.
As an owner-managed family business with over 100 years of history and in the fourth generation, we have contacts. This enables us to import directly from the countries of origin. We also have worldwide contacts with our customers in various industries. We supply common herbal raw materials as well as unusual specialities.

Watch out, sometimes it gets wild! In many regions of the world, we resort to selective cultivation for herbs, spices and plant-based raw materials. In addition, a large part of our assortment still comes from wild collection. Experienced collectors ensure a careful and sustainable use of resources.
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